Happy New Year!
Well as we have said goodbye to 2016, we would like to wish you all a Happy New Year! We had a fabulous Autumn Term here at Leigh and covered a lot of fantastic learning! The children have been amazing and have really settled well into Reception life, learning from each other, taking turns, sharing and becoming really confident at using their environment to move their learning forward. We are really impressed at how many sounds they have learnt and how they are coming on with their blending ready for reading. Their progress in Maths is also fantastic and the children are becoming inquisitive, problem solving Mathematicians. Alongside this, the children proved to be excellent performers when we put on our very own musical 'Miracle in Town'. I am sure that if you came to see the nativity play you would join us in congratulating the children on learning so many songs and words. They did an amazing job and we are proud of them all. We had a very exciting visit at the end of last term from Father Christmas (photos in the gallery) and the children had a surprise Christmas party thrown for them by Miss Geen and Mrs Elford. One child said it was "the best day of my life!" It doesn't get any better than that! We were all sad to say goodbye to Miss Geen at the end of the term but I have a feeling she may pop back and see us all from time to time. We are thrilled to welcome Miss Haslem to our Reception team and I know she is very excited to get started, having spent some time in school over the last couple of weeks.
Thank you for your continued support with your child's education and we know that 2017 will be a successful and happy year for all of your children.
What a Fab Half Term!
The children have had a great half term They have settled well into the class routines and are busy learning all of the time. The children have particularly enjoyed learning about each-other, their senses, tasting and describing different foods, exploring their environment, creating textured works of art and making vegetable soup (which they all enjoyed eating and some even asked for seconds!) They have been making great progress with learning their sounds through our Read Write Inc phonics programme and are developing good mathematical skills through our daily maths activities.
We are looking forward to making some bird feeders with Parents, Grandparents and family friends on Thursday morning next week and showing you our fantastic learning. (Look out for photos in the gallery!)
Over the half term holiday, please encourage your children to become independent when they are getting changed, as this will help our PE sessions enormously. Helping your child with their number recognition and counting skills would also be a really big help.
Thank you for your support over the last few weeks and for making Miss Geen feel welcome. She has been doing a fantastic job whilst we have been looking for a permanent teacher for our amazing Reception children.
Welcome to Reception!
Welcome to the Reception page of our website!
All the children are settling well and have made a great start to the year. Please look out for 'Marvellous Me's' to keep you up to date with things happening on a daily basis.
We are beginning Celebration Assemblies soon. They will be on Friday morning at 9 o'clock. You should receive a Marvellous Me inviting you to attend if your child has been chosen for an award, but all parents are welcome to come and join us if you can.
P.E. lessons are every Monday afternoon. Please can you make sure your child has a kit in school (White T-shirt, black shorts, black pumps). Please encourage your children to be as independent as possible at home when getting changed, so that they can get dressed and undressed for PE at school. They have made a great start with this.
There will be a brief meeting at 3pm on Monday 26th September for you to meet the teacher and ask any questions but please feel free to speak to us at any time if you have any concerns. After school appointments are better if you need to talk in private.
Once again, welcome to Reception and we look forward to working with you over the year.
Reception Team.