Leigh Church of England Academy

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Things To Do!

mail  Practise blending to read using the games on this website...


mail  There's lots of fun learning games on this website...


mail Here are some more interactive learning games...


mail This is a website where you can practise your Maths skills...


mail  Sing along to some Nursery rhymes and songs...


mail  You could go to the local Library and see if you can find any books relating to our Theme

     this term.


mail  Talk to your child about what they have been doing at school and who they have been

      playing with.  Encourage your child to tell you about something new that they have learnt

      this week.


mail  Encourage your child's independence skills.  You could help them practise the following

      things in particular:  * dressing/undressing themselves                          

                              * putting on/taking off shoes and tying laces

                              * zipping up their own coat

                              * using a knife and fork


mail  Read books with your child.   As well as reading their school reading books, read to them

     for enjoyment too and help them develop a love of books and stories.  Ask them questions

     about the stories and talk about the pictures and characters.  Don't forget to write in

     their Reading Records!


mail  Encourage your child to practise their writing in a range of fun ways - with large

      paintbrushes and water, with their finger in sand/flour/shaving foam etc, on the ground

      in chalk etc.  They could help you write a shopping list or birthday card.  Encourage them

      to 'Fred-talk' (sound out) the words they want to write and write down the sounds they

      can hear (even if it's only the initial and final sounds to start with).  Make sure they are

      forming their letters correctly!


mail  Count forwards and backwards up to 20, sing number rhymes and songs and look for

      numbers in the environment.


mail  Do some cooking or gardening!  If your child would like to bring in something they have

     baked or planted to show their friends, or a photo of what they have done, that would be



mail  Go on walks in the local area or on a trip a little further afield!  If you go on a special

     outing, you could take photos for your child to bring in to school and talk about.
