Tuesday 02.02.21
Maths 02.02.21
LO: To count in multiples of 2
Can you use the number square to count forwards and backwards in 2s to 20? Now see if you can do it off by heart. Use the interactive number square in the resources to help you.
Task: Colour in the multiples of 2 up to 20 on your number square. send in
Can you write the numbers forwards counting in 2s up to 20 ?
0,2,4,6,8,10,12, 14, 16, 18, 20
Can you write the numbers counting in 2s backwards from 20-0?
Can you count in 2s higher than 20?
Can you complete the number pattern worksheet?
Maths Resources 02.02.21
Phonics 02.02.21
We are now revisiting Set 2 sounds. Our sound today air
Here is the link for the Read Write Inc website:
We are on now on RWI Set 2 and so you will need to follow this link every day for the daily phonics session which is available from 9.30 am. Each day the phonics session comprises of two separate videos. There is a speed sounds lesson video and a spelling lesson video. You need to complete both sections. I have used a screenshot to clarify this.
Real and Nonsense Words air
English 02.02.21 send in
Read Clair at the Funfair with an adult. Highlight on the sheet or write a list of all of the words containing the trigraph air.
Now read the -are words ( -are care and share)
Task: Your adult will read the sentence out to you and you will write it down. Remember to count how many words are in the sentence. Don’t forget a capital letter and a full stop at the end of the sentence.
The chair is on the stairs.
Task: Can you write your own sentence containing the air or are grapheme?
English Resources
Today's words are not but what when all were we
Handwriting sheet
As it’s a Tuesday it’s PE day! Mr Ashby would like you to have a go at some front room Gymnastics!
Click the instructions to see which exercises Mr Ashby would like you to do.
You could also have a go at a cosmic kids yoga. Perhaps these ones?
PE Plan
Continuing the Dreams and Goals topic, Mrs Entwhistle would like you to think about something you would like to achieve in school. Either print the sheet out and complete, or create your own flower to write on.