Friday 05.03.21
Welcome to Friday’s home learning. You don't need to send in anything today as the tasks are practical.
Rather than starting a new chapter on the last day of our remote learning, I thought we would do some fun maths today. Here are some maths websites that you might like to explore.
Why not have a go at some caterpillar sequencing and ordering? Use the number square and number line to help you. Choose the level appropriate for your child.
Click on the link
Why not have a go at one more or less up to 20? Use a number line to help if necessary.
Make 10. Use the rainbow number bond sheet to help you if necessary.
Today's sound is o_e phone home.
I have also ticked the extra read the red words sections too. If you have time you could have a go at any of the other set 3 lessons, as they will all help you to improve your phonics.
LO: To be able to follow verbal instructions
This is an introductory lesson about instructions. You will take a closer look at how the Little Old Lady made the Gingerbread Man and discuss how instructions can appear in different forms, such as recipes. You will also think about how instructions can be given verbally. You will have a go at giving verbal instructions to a partner and consider how successful these instructions were.
Task: Work with a partner (adult) and have different Character Cards 3A. Take turns describing your picture for their partner (adult) to draw on Worksheet 3A.
Friday Afternoon
This is a little bit of breathing space for you to have a go at some of the activities that you might have missed during the week. If you have finished all of the learning, why not read one of the books I included yesterday?
It is important to read for at least 10 minutes per day with your child. Please choose the level appropriate for your child. Don't forget to do the Questions to chat about and Questions to read and answer at the end of the book. Alternatively, you can of course read a book from home.