Leigh Church of England Academy

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LO: to compare and order improper fractions


Today’s maths lesson is a continuation of yesterday’s where you learnt how to compare and order fractions, with the difference being that you are focusing on improper fractions.  Remember when we are comparing you use  the < > = symbols to state which fraction is smaller, larger or show they are the same.  When you are ordering, remember that ascending order is getting larger (start with the smallest) and descending is where the numbers are getting smaller (start with the largest).  Please have a go at the In Focus task.  Don’t forget you can ask an adult or older sibling to help you with this.  When you have done this work your way through the Let’s Learn.  As usual, I’ve left the answers for you in Guided Practice.  Make sure that you are working through the questions and understanding how to work them out – don’t just look at the answers.  This won’t help you when you come to completing the two worksheets.  Please email your Maths work to me today.


LO: to create my own poem


Your English lesson today is the final one focusing on poetry and The Listeners.  Your main focus will be to write your own poem.    As usual, click on the link to follow the online lesson.  When you come to writing your own poem (on a theme similar to The Listeners) don’t forget to include the features of poetry that we have been learning about, such as personification, alliteration, similes and rhyme etc.  Please email your final poem to me.


LO: to consolidate poetry understanding


Today’s Reading lesson is an online game which will consolidate your understanding of the different features of poetry.  Click on the link to play the game.


Use this time to catch up with any work you didn’t get a chance to do throughout the week,  do some extra practise with something you found challenging or to investigate an area you found interesting. 



And BREATH!  Take some time to feel proud of yourself and recognise how well you have done.  Choose an activity that you love doing, like colouring, drawing, playing a game, cooking or reading and ENJOY IT.  We are ALL proud of you.  You really deserve this time for you!
