Latest News
Happy Summer Holidays!
Have a wonderful holiday. See you in September x
Thank you to everyone who came to our Reception Graduation
ceremony! The photos have been added to our photo gallery, please
take a look!
I was so proud of the children on our trip to Ash End Farm. They
were a real credit to the school and their behaviour was fantastic.
Our guide said what lovely manners they all had too! We had such a
wonderful time, please take a look at the photos in the 'Photos'
Well done to our latest Stars of the Week. Georgia was our
Mathematician Of The Week, Niyah was our Learner Of The
Week and Lucia was our Star Of The Week. Congratulations!
Well done to Poppy who was chosen to sit at the 'Posh Nosh' table
this week. The dinner ladies say she is always a superstar at
lunchtime. Well done Poppy!
Just a quick reminder to please write in your child's Reading Record
every time you read with them at home, even if you just initial it. We
are not able to change their book unless we can see they have read
their current one. Thank you. Happy reading!
We are still in the process of developing our Outdoor Area and are
still in need of resources please! We would welcome in particular any
large pieces of material/old curtains to use for den-making, plastic or
wooden crates, sand and water toys, small world figures, sports
equipment, tools for investigating (magnifying glasses, binoculars, bug
catchers etc.), cushions/mats/tents for a reading corner...we really
would be grateful for anything! Thank you!