Year 1
Welcome to Year 1!
We are very excited for this academic year and have got lots of exciting things to look forward to in Year 1! We will be covering a different theme each term. In the first half term in Autumn the theme will be 'Coventry and Me', the second half term - 'It's Cold Outside', Spring Term - 'Walk the Plank' and Summer term - 'Go Wild!'.
Please see the Year 1 Curriculum page for more information and details on what we will be covering in each subject.
Year 1 Welcome Letter
Summer Term
The children have settled back into school and are all ready for our new theme 'Go Wild!'.
For the first half term we are learning about farms in geography, identifying animals in science, thinking about picnic food in design and technology and becoming story tellers in computing! We are also thinking about Buddhism in R.E. If you have any questions do not hesitate to come and ask - or take a look at the Year 1 curriculum map for summer term
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Spring Term
Sealife Centre Visit
We had such a wonderful time at the Sealife Centre in Birmingham. The children learnt a lot on our tour and they represented the school amazingly. W are very proud of them all!
Take a look at our gallery to see some pictures from our trip.
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Maths Enterprise Day
Friday 17th March is our maths enterprise afternoon! In year one we are having a cake sale! Please stop by and buy one of our delicious cakes from the children.
Science in Year 1
Our topic for Science at the moment is Identifying plants. We are looking at the different types of plants and what they look like as seeds and what they will eventually grow into! We have grown our own sunflowers - keep checking this page to see what they look like in a few weeks time!
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Art in Year 1
In year 1 we have been making our own pirate faces using paper mache. Take a look at our gallery to see what we have been up to!
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Curriculum Map
This term our theme is 'Walk the Plank!' Please find this terms curriculum map below.
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Autumn 2nd Half Term
Welcome to a new half term in Year 1! It is going to be such an exciting and busy time! To keep track of what we are doing and to get any special messages please keep up to date with marvellous me. Click the link below to see this half terms curriculum map and see what we will be doing in the next few weeks!
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It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!
Our classroom and the whole school is looking lovely with decorations everywhere Everybody is getting in the Christmas spirit - especially because the KS1 Nativity is coming up very soon! All of the children have been amazing at remembering the songs, actions and their lines. I am very proud of all of them.
What a Busy Couple of Weeks!
What a busy two weeks it has been! This week we have been learning about multiplication and division in maths and everyone has tried very hard! We have also started to practice our songs for our Christmas play. It is going to be fantastic! More information about it to come.
Autumn 1st Half Term
What a fantastic first half term it has been! All of the children have settled in so well and have already done so much learning! Well done to you all
Outdoor Maths
We have recently been learning about shape, size, time and we are always practicing our counting! This week we went outside for our maths lesson and used sticks to make shapes and order lengths, leaves to count and finally we timed ourselves to run across the field! We had a lot of fun.
Click the link below to go to our gallery and look at our photos!
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Week 5 Already!
We have been so busy in Year 1 that we can not believe it is week 5 already! In maths we have been looking at 2D and 3D shapes and we are even starting to look at halves and quarters. In science we have been investigating our bodies and our five senses. In history we have really enjoyed looking at Victorian homes and what they used to look like. Finally, in geography we have been looking at where we live and we will be going on a local walk soon to find out more!
First Week In Year 1!
We have had such a busy and exciting first week in Year 1! We have already been doing lots of learning and we are looking forward to the weeks to come!
There will soon be pictures in the gallery to show you what we have been up to so keep your eyes peeled!