Week Beginning 30th September 2024
We are continuing to settle into Nursery life and are getting used to the rules and routines in our inside and outside environment.
We are learning the carpet rules – crossed legs, eyes looking, ears listening, lips closed.
On Monday with Mrs Kirk we read this book and talked about our families and how all families are different.
In one of our carpet times with Mrs Drummond this week, we thought about similarities and differences between us. We decided it's good to be different as it would be boring if we were all the same! We talked about what makes us different and how we are all special.
We have been practising our counting this week! We counted forwards and backwards to 10, growing and shrinking as we counted forwards and backwards!
We then sang and acted out one of our favourite nursery rhymes - '5 Little Ducks Went Swimming One Day'. We were great at counting how many ducks were left each time and showing the number on our fingers!
We are becoming fantastic independent learners and are exploring all the different activities Mrs Drummond, Miss Bennett and Miss Waterworth set up for us but are also thinking of our own games, activities and ideas. Here are some of the things we’ve been up to at Busy Learning Time.
This week at Forest School we made 'Forest Crowns'! As we collected leaves for our crowns, we noticed that they are changing colour and are starting to fall off the trees. Next week we are going to be learning all about Autumn and other things that happen in the Autumn season.
We have now all finished our self-portraits and thought you might like to see the finished display! What brilliant artists we are!