Welcome to Leigh Mental Health and Wellbeing area.
As an academy we want to support the Mental Health and Wellbeing of our whole school community - pupils, parents/carers and staff. Please see below for our Mental Health and Wellbeing Policy and our latest newsletter for parents with links to support for mental health and wellbeing.
Children's Mental Health Week 2024
For Children's Mental Health Week this year, we introduced the story 'Little Meerkat's Big Panic'. In this story, the three characters (Meerkat, Elephant and Monkey) represent the three areas in our brain responsible for our thoughts, feelings and behaviours. This is our children's first introduction to neuroscience!
We chose this story as it compliments the work we have already done with our children.
Calm corners - support our children with strategies and a space to be when they are feeling overwhelmed and need a moment to calm.
Incredible 5 point scales - support our children to begin to recognise and communicate when they are beginning to feel overwhelmed and be selective about which strategies help them to calm.
Little Meerkat's Big Panic - helps children to begin to understand what is happening in their brains during this period of overwhelm.
Examples of Incredible 5 Point Scales
If you would like a copy of one of the 5 Point Scales to use at home, please ask your teacher or click on the links below
Wellbeing and mental health support for children at Leigh
All children learn about their wellbeing and mental health at Leigh through stories, assemblies, PSHE lessons and our Christian ethos.
The photos below show the different ways that all children can access support when they need it.
- Good to Talk boxes
- Calm corners in every class
- Support from Mrs Goddard, our learning mentor
- Boomerang session for KS2
- PSHE lessons
- Access to nurture at break and lunchtimes
- Regular workshops provided by the Mental Health in Schools Team.
The SEMH (Social, Emotional and Mental Health) provision document shows in more detail what further support may be offered to children if greater needs arise.
Support from Outside Agencies
The links below show what support can be provided by our local community including charities and health services.