Week Beginning 11th November 2024
This week has been ‘Anti-Bullying Week’. In Nursery we have been thinking about kindness and talking about why it’s important to be kind and how we can show kindness to others. Friday was Children In Need Day and we learnt about how it’s a special day to raise money for children that aren’t as lucky as us.
On Monday it was Remembrance Day. We joined in with the 2 minutes silence and thought about all the brave soldiers that have fought for our country and helped to keep us safe. We made poppies to wear on our jumpers, painted paper plate poppies, created poppies out of playdough and used bingo dabbers to make some poppies too.
On Monday afternoon it was Leigh Academy's 'Board Game Afternoon'. Our grown ups were invited in to school to play some board games with us. We all got a pack of cards to take home too!
Tuesday afternoon - PE with Mr Hollins and PSHE with Mrs Entwistle...
Wednesday was 'World Kindness Day'. We talked about what being 'kind' means and ways in which we can show kindness towards others.
We played a game called 'Pass The Smile' where we had to pass a smile to the person next to us until it had travelled all the way around the circle! We talked about how it feels when someone smiles at you and how smiling at someone is a way to show kindness.
We then played a game where we had to roll a ball to someone and say something kind to them. We thought about how we feel when people say nice things to us.
As part of Anti-Bullying Week, some people from Leadec came to do a workshop with us! We did some team building activities and learnt that 'the biggest drum doesn't make the most noise'.
Children In Need Day...
Look at our super ‘Celebrations’ display in the classroom! We’re all becoming very creative and are learning lots of different techniques to create pictures.
Busy Learning this week...