Maths at Leigh
In Early Years Foundation Stage the children experience maths everyday through whole class teaching, focused activities with an adult and through play opportunities in and outside the classroom. Maths is discovered, explored, discussed and made sense of from the child's own perspective, guided and facilitated by the adults.
Maths No Problem!
At Leigh C of E Academy, we teach our Mathematics lessons through the scheme Maths No Problem! from Reception to Year 6. This DfE approved scheme is at the heart of our mathematics teaching and is adapted to suit our pupils at Leigh.
Lessons and activities are designed to encourage children to become more fluent in their problem solving and encourage a higher level of thinking in maths in order to deepen understanding and master concepts. Concepts merge from one chapter to the next. Chapters are then broken down into individual lessons. Lessons are broken into five parts.
The scheme follows the concrete-pictorial-abstract (CPA) method which encourages children to use and discover manipulatives (concrete – such as cubes or tens and ones blocks), then they progress to representing this in picture form (pictorial) and finally moving on to the concrete stage which uses equations and mathematical symbols (abstract). The CPA approach allows all children to access maths and deepens their understanding of key topics, enabling them to make crucial links between topics and develop their mathematical thinking, ability and confidence.
See below a link to our progression in calculations policy to see this in practice.
To see more information about Maths No Problem, please visit
It is important for children to use correct mathematical vocabulary and have an understanding of what these terms mean. Please see below links to an online dictionary which provides definitions and interactive resources which aid understanding of these terms.
The following document outlines the expected vocabulary for each year group to use.
Times Table Rockstars 
Times Table Rockstars is a fun and competitive way for children to learn their times tables. Each child from Year 1 to Year 6 has a username and password so that they can develop their knowledge and recall of the times tables. Each week, the class teacher sets the times tables for children to complete as part of their home learning.
Children can play at