Leigh Church of England Academy

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Year 4

Year 4

Hello and welcome from everyone in the Year 4 team; Mr Millet, Mrs Entwistle and Mrs Jewess.




For further details about your child's learning journey, please see the Curriculum page.


Spelling tests take place each Friday. Please support your child in practising.


Children need to read at home at least four times a week for 10 minutes at a time.  When your child has read, please ensure it is recorded in their reading diary (by you or themselves). if the child has read by themselves please try and give their reading diary a quick sign. Children’s reading records are checked, against this expectation, by Mrs Entwistle each Thursday morning. 


PE takes place in school every Wednesday, with swimming taking place on Fridays. Please ensure your child comes in appropriate PE kit; see our Uniform page for reference.

Times Tables

All children have access to the website Times Tables Rock Stars, where tables work is set for them to complete.  High scores and year group winners are put up on display in the school If your child has lost their log in or password, then just let us know and we can remind them.

At the end of this school year the children will face a times tables test. We are doing a lot of preparation in school for this. If the children would like to further practice at home, this is a link to a game that replicates the test exactly:

We will send regular Marvellous Me messages to keep you up-to-date with any imprtant information, as well as to celebrate children's amazing achievements, academically or socially.  


If you do have any questions, then please talk to us at the end of the day, when we will be happy to help.  
