Leigh Church of England Academy

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Important Information

smiley  Read Write Inc. - this is the Phonics scheme we use at Leigh to teach your children to read and

       write.  For more information please follow the link below...

smiley  Marvellous Me! - Please look out for 'Marvellous Me's' to keep you up to date with things

       happening on a daily basis.


smiley  Celebration Assemblies - these are every Friday at 2:45pm, although Reception will not be

       attending these for a little while.   You should receive a Marvellous Me inviting you to attend if

       your child has been chosen for an award, but all parents are welcome to come and join us.  We

       will let you know when we feel the Reception children are ready to begin attending this



smiley  P.E. - P.E. lessons are every Friday afternoon.  Please can you make sure your child always has

       a P. E. kit in school (white T-shirt, black shorts, black pumps).  Please make sure every item is

     clearly named.  Please encourage your children to be as independent as possible at home when

       getting changed, so that they can get dressed and undressed for PE at school. 


smiley  'Wow' observations - we really value your contributions to your child's Learning Journal.  

        Please let Miss Haslam know if you need any more 'Wow!' observation sheets.


smiley  Toys from home - We ask that children do not bring toys from home in to school as they

        become very upset if they get lost or broken.  Thank you for your understanding.


smiley  Snack - we have a snack table in Reception which the children have free access to every day

       They are able to choose a piece of fruit and may have a carton of milk or a drink of

       water from their water bottles.  Every child has their own water bottle which they may drink

       from throughout the day.


smiley  Homework - the children in Reception will not be receiving formal 'homework' initially but we do

        encourage you to read regularly with your child for pleasure.  When we start 'Read Write Inc'

        they may bring home some activities to do relating to the letters/sounds we have been 

        focussing on that week.   Sometimes we may give the children additional tasks to complete at

        home that relate to our theme.


smiley  Making Area - we are always grateful for any resources we can use in our making area such as

       boxes, cartons, cardboard tubes and yoghurt pots.  Thank you.


smiley  Library - the children visit the school library every Tuesday to change their Library books. 

       Their books are kept at school and the children are given time to read them each week.


smiley  Naming clothes - we cannot emphasise enough how important it is that every item of clothing

        your child wears/bring to school is named.  Please put your child's name on everything to ensure

        your child's belongings do not get lost or muddled up with other children's belongings.  Don't

        forget smaller items such as shoes, socks, hats, gloves and scarves!  Thank you.


smiley  Outside - we use our outdoor area every day as part of our curriculum.  Please make sure you

        send your child to school with appropriate clothing.  During the Winter they will need a warm,

        waterproof coat, a hat, scarf and gloves and in warmer weather they will require a sunhat. 

        Thank you.
