Leigh Church of England Academy

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Week Beginning 18th November 2024

It was Road Safety Week this week and we have been learning about how to stay safe when we are near a road or are crossing a road. Mrs Kirk was very proud of all of us as we could all say how to stay safe when crossing a road.  We know to stop, look, listen and hold a grown up’s hand whenever we cross a road.


On Monday afternoon we had a 'Drop Everything And Read (DEAR)' session with our grown ups...


Here we are at the Dough Disco! We love Dough Disco! We do lots of different finger exercises to music using our playdough. This will help make the muscles in our fingers and hands really strong which will help us become brilliant writers!


We practised our listening skills this week by playing a fun game! We had to listen very carefully to a range of different sounds and guess what the sounds were! We then had a go at making the different sounds using our voices or body percussion.


Forest School...


Busy Learning this week...
