Leigh Church of England Academy

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School Vision

As a Church of England Academy, our vision is to provide an education of depth and quality within a Christian ethos, provided in a safe and secure, nurturing and aspirational environment, so that our children can be the best they can be in all aspects of their development.  


Our Christian vision


What is the meaning of I can do all this, Philippians 4:13?

In context, "I can do all this" is the ministry that God has sent Paul to do. He can persevere, share the gospel, and be content in any situation. Not on his own, but through Christ (him) who strengthens him.


Our theologically rooted Christian vision drives all of our work and enables the school to live up to its foundation as a Church school.


Our school motto underpins our vision and both run through all aspects of school life:



Together we learn and grow.

Growing together in love and learning, we aim ever rooted and inspired

by the teachings of Jesus



How will we do this?  


We will enable every child and adult to know that they are loved, unique and special - loved and cherished by God; valued and accepted into the Leigh family; important and special in God’s plan. 


As part of our Christian service, we will nurture the well-being of all members of the Leigh community, so that we have a deep sense of self-worth and a respectful and compassionate regard for each other.  


We will create a ‘Living Well Together’ ethos where we promote values such as forgiveness, friendship and trust so that our children grow into caring and responsible global citizens for the 21st Century. 


We will put mutual respect, dignity and integrity at the heart of our work and ensure that we are all valued equally as God’s children, so that our children appreciate diversity and develop a keen sense of social justice.  


We will enable our school community to grow and flourish in a secure and stable environment, where there is inclusive provision and family values, so that our children are able to live well together, reflect upon their actions and make wise choices.  


We will nurture wisdom through a balanced and enriched curriculum so that our children become religiously literate and spiritually mature. 





At Leigh, Christian values are at the heart of everything we do because we believe these values are principles that guide our lives. Our values are addressed and promoted through everything we do - Collective Worship, Religious Education, the curriculum and through all areas of school life. We provide a secure environment where everyone is encouraged to flourish and to be the best we can be. We model and practise these values to empower individuals to be effective learners and valuable global citizens.


We are using the Roots and Fruits Programme covering 12 Christian Values over 2 years. We learn to understand what the value looks like and how we can demonstrate the value, in the way we behave, in our attitude towards each other and in our learning. Parents and carers are encouraged to develop the value at home.


The 12 values are:


Generosity, Compassion, Courage, Forgiveness, Friendship, Respect, 

Thankfulness, Trust, Perseverance, Justice, Service, Truthfulness


Underpinning these values are the 4 key aims of the Church of England’s vision for education:

Wisdom, Hope, Community, Dignity




Our environment
