Week Beginning 4th November 2024
This week we have been settling back in to Nursery after our half-term break. We have been learning about Bonfire Night and Diwali!
We made glitter firework pictures this week. We created firework patterns using PVA glue then shook glitter over the top. When we tipped our paper up our firework pictures were revealed!
We've been doing some fantastic Maths this week!
We learnt a counting song called ‘5 Little Fireworks Standing in a Row’. Each time one of the rockets ‘blasted off’ we had to work out how many were left. We all enjoyed having a turn at being a rocket!
In another Maths activity we had to count the dots carefully on different rockets then identify the rocket with the matching numeral to stick on.
We learnt all about Diwali and how and why it is celebrated. Here are some of the Diwali activities we did over the week. If you'd like to find out more about Diwali please click on the link below...
On Friday we went to the Hall to watch a pantomime with the rest of school. We sat beautifully and really enjoyed it! Our favourite characters were Jack and Jill. We didn’t like the Giant - booooooo!
Busy Learning...