...Friday 22.01.21
Three tasks to send in today: English, Reading and Maths. Remember to send in all parts of the task and read the tasks and questions carefully.
Remember our colour coding:
The main explanations and tasks are in black.
If there is an easier option for the main task, this will be in green.
‘Mrs. Holdaway’s Group’ work is now in BLUE.
If there is no green or blue then it is just the one task available and everyone needs to do that.
9:00 – 10:00 ENGLISH (SEND IN)
LO: To write non-finite clauses.
DON’T BE SCARED OF THE WORDS ‘non-finite’ – they are just clauses that begin with '–ing' words! She is just using the proper grammar term. You CAN do this! All of the work yesterday and for the next few lessons are helping us work towards writing a diary entry. Some of the work we do in these lessons we can then ‘magpie’ in our writing next week, so make sure you do them properly now, as it will save you time and effort later.
Tasks in the lesson:
- Finish the ‘-ing’ sentence starts on the worksheet. Ignore the task that she gives you – ours is basically the same, but I’ve helped you more J.
Mrs. Holdaway’s Group
Tasks in the lesson:
1. Match the correct sentence to its ‘-ing’ sentence start.
10:00 – 10:45 READING (SEND IN)
LO: To make inferences and predictions.
Today you will read the rest of interview and consider Kevin's feelings, make predictions and consider the story arc in this short story. It really helps you see how to pick out key details to support your ideas.
- Follow the lesson through. Write down answers to questions she asks you to.
- Write your predictions about what you think is going to happen next, when asked to.
When you send in your work from today, please also include the mind map for Kevin that you have built throughout the week.
We will finish the last lesson in this sequence on Monday.
11:00 - 12:00 Maths (SEND IN)
Maths No Problem
LO: Finding the percentage of a quantity.
Look at the ‘In Focus’ picture and after having a think, work through the ‘Let’s Learn’ to see how our friends went about working out the percentage. This is a tricky one! The main point is that there are 8 parts altogether and 2 of them are lemon. 2 eighths is the same as saying one quarter, so one quarter is lemon. We write one quarter as 25%.
- Complete the guided practice Q2 and 3 – remember to send evidence in that you have completed these questions.
- Worksheet. Complete Q1 – 3. I’ve helped to get you started in Q1. Hint 3 b) and 3 c) – to find 5% just half whatever 10% is!
Extension: Complete the other questions and the challenge.
Mrs. Holdaway’s Group
LO: Mental Addition and Subtraction
- Have a go at the intro quiz.
- Watch the video and work through the lesson, where you will use your knowledge of whole-number number bonds to solve decimal-number number bonds.
- Complete the ‘independent practise’ by making additions and subtractions using the numbers in the ‘cloud’. Are you up for the challenge?
- Have a go at the exit quiz.
‘Catch Up’
Use this time to catch up with any work you didn’t get a chance to do throughout the week, do some extra practise with something you found challenging or to investigate an area you found interesting.
And BREATH! Take some time to feel proud of yourself and recognise how well you have done. Choose an activity that you love doing, like colouring, drawing, playing a game, cooking or reading and ENJOY IT. We are ALL proud of you. You really deserve this time for you!