Leigh Church of England Academy

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Monday 25th January

Good Morning Year 2. 

I hope you all enjoyed the snow yesterday and are now ready for a new week of learning?

Today we have Maths, English, Handwriting, phonics, PE and PSHE. 

Please send in Maths, English and Science to year2@leigh.covmat.org


Send in your maths work to year2@leigh.covmat.org


Mrs Bennett’s

Chapter 6 lesson 6

LO: To be able to solve word problems involving the addition and subtraction of mass.


To start, look at the In Focus task and discuss how this problem is going to be solved. A drawing of a bar model would be helpful. What would that look like? Is it possible to draw this when we don't know one of the masses? Talk through the information that they have: the total mass and the bowl on its own. Have a go at drawing the model.

During the Guided Practice section, discuss the problems. Remember to talk about what information they know, what they have to work out and whether they will have to add or subtract. For questions 3 to 6, have a go and draw the bar model for each of the problems once they have solved them.  

Now it’s your turn! Go through the questions in the work book, remember to show your working out.  

I have attached a video explaining bar models.  

You only need to send in your work from the workbook activity. 

Mrs Malone’s group 


You have a maths review.  This is to be completed on your own but an adult can read the questions to you. 


Send in your English work to year2@leigh.covmat.org


LO: To write a set of instructions.


Follow the instructions on today’s lesson. 

Remember your instructions should include pictures/diagrams to help explain the process.

I still want to see neat handwriting, presentation and use the correct punctuation. 


Mrs Malone’s group

Complete the work using your sounds to make some amazing sentences.


LO: To research information.  


Today you are going to find answers to two more questions that you have thought of.   

Read the PowerPoint to recap any questions to help you with today’s lesson.   

Remember to keep your answers safe!





LO: To find out what animals, including humans, need to survive. 


This week I would like you to read through the slides and discuss the questions being asked on the slides.  Then complete the set work.  


Today’s work is to think about how you care for a pet.  If you have a pet then talk with your adult to see how your pet is looked after.  If you don’t have a pet but a member of your family or a friend does, then talk to them (perhaps you can call them via facetime or phone them.)  Or if you don’t know anyone that has a pet then you can search on the internet on how to look after a pet of your choice. 

**Challenge** Complete the sheet about an unusual pet and research the answers! 

There is no need to print off the sheets. You can copy and complete the sentences onto paper.


Send in your work to year2@leigh.covmat.org

How to look after your pet


Watch, listen and follow Ms Glover’s music lessons.   

