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2nd February

Please send in your maths, English and RE work today. Tuesday fun day!


LO: To be able to draw and read line graphs

Today we are going to start looking at a new kind of graph - the line graph. Where as a bar graph is used to show information from one point of time, a line graph is used to collect information over longer periods of time. Rather than drawing bars, a cross or a dot is placed to show the information, and then the dots are connected in a line. The guided practice is a great example of this, as you can see the dots for each of the years, and the line that connects them. It is important to use a ruler to connect these dots! 

Have a look at the guided practice and try and work out how they got the answers they did. Use that knowledge to help you on your worksheet for today. Good luck, I know you can do this! 


LO: To answer questions on the text

This week, we are going to be reading the book ‘My Gran is a werewolf.’

Today, you are going to read chapter 2 and then complete the online quiz. I will be able to see if you have done this activity!

You each have your own log in which I will be sending to your adults to give to you. I will send it via marvellous me – if it doesn’t come through please email me at year4@leigh.covmat.org and I will send it to you there!


LO: To plan a letter

Would you want to attend a stage school? Have a look at the flow chart below to see if you are a good fit!

This is a flow chart, it is used to help us decide on things, it can also help us plan things. Notice how green are the good points and red are the bad points.

Today you are going to be planning a letter you want to write to a stage school, convincing them why you should attend. Below I have included the advice the stage school have given on how to apply, as well as how the letter should be laid out. You are going to plan it today by creating a flow chart, with each box having details of what you are going to say in each paragraph.

For example, in my first flow chart box I would write ‘Miss Hinton, I want to come to your stage school, I saw a poster.’ This will then help you write your letter tomorrow! Your flow chart should include at least 3 boxes, for the 3 different paragraphs you will need for your letter.


LO: To discuss temptation

Imagine you have a box of your favourite food in front of you. Imagine you have been told you aren’t allowed to touch it, but you REALLY want to. This is temptation!

Have you ever been tempted to do something, like take the last chocolate, or go and play on a game instead of doing your work?

The earliest story of temptation is within the story of Adam and Eve – Eve gave in to the temptation and took a bite from the apple. The snake was the one who tempted Eve, and the consequence for this was they were thrown out of Eden.

I would like you to write about your own time you have been tempted to do something. Make sure you tell me what tempted you, and what the consequences would have been if you made that choice (or what happened because you made that choice)!


We have been working hard on learning the names of animals and stating what our favourite animal is! What about when there is more than one animal there? Today we are going to be looking at plurals! Have a look at the link below, practicing your verbal French by repeating back what is said. Can you tell someone with you how many pets you have now you’ve learnt plurals?
