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Monday 11th January 2021


Mrs Bennett’s group –

Chapter 5 Lesson 5  

Today you are going to measure and compare the lengths of lines (in centimetres). 


You will need a ruler and a piece of string (or something similar). 

Start with Textbook work.  At the beginning of this lesson, look at the In Focus task at the start of the ‘textbook’ information.  Discuss with your adult how you could measure the curvy line. Why might it be important and when it might be necessary (e.g. fitting a wire around a room, making a bracelet). Have your ruler, a pair of scissors and piece of string (or something similar) handy and think about how these items might be used to help measure the curvy line. Measure the length of any book using a ruler and then the piece of string.  Did you get the same measurement? Remember you need to start measuring from the zero mark and put the ruler in the correct place. 


Now it is your turn! Have a go at the ‘Independent Practice’ which is a copy of the worksheet that you would have completed in your MNP workbooks at school.  


If you feel up for it, have a go at the challenge! Good luck!  

There is a word and PDF copy, so you can choose which version suits you best.  

Please send in your work to year2@leigh.covmat.org 

Mrs Malone’s group – Please complete the maths review.  


Please read the instruction sheet to find out what today’s work is.  I would like to see your work.  Please send in your work to year2@leigh.covmat.org 



Mrs Malone’s group – Today we are thinking about the sounds ‘ay’ and ‘ee’. Have a look at the sheet to see what you need to do today.



We will be continuing with this Spring terms new topic of Growth and Survival. 


This week I would like you to read through the slides and answer or discuss the questions being asked on the slides.  Then complete the set work.  


Your first piece of work is to think of as many animals that give birth to live young and lay eggs.  See how many you can think of without any help!  

Your next piece of work is completing sentences about a chick and a cat.   


There are two formats of the work.  Choose whichever suits you. 

There is no need to print off the sheets. You can copy and complete the sentences onto paper.  Please send in your work to year2@leigh.covmat.org 


Last week as a class we decided to find more information about the animal orangutan.  This week I’d like you to use the internet to help you to think of other questions that you would like to find the answers to.  You can use this website https://kids.sandiegozoo.org/animals/orangutan to help you think of other questions.  If you would like to use other websites you can, just make sure they are child friendly for e.g., search ‘orangutan information for kids’.     

Your task is to write these questions down that you have thought of and keep them safe.  There is no need to send the questions in.   

Computing lesson information


Although we are not able to change your books at school every day, you do need to practice your reading skills.  Make time to do 10 minutes of reading with your adults before the end of the day.  I am sure you have plenty of books on your bookshelves.  Let me know if you read any really exciting ones that you think I might like! 


Below is a link to oxford owl where an account has been created to provide the children with some ebooks. 

Username: Leighclass2 

Password: Book1234 

I have also included some instructions below about how to log in if you face any difficulty. 


Watch, listen and follow Ms Glover’s music lesson.   
