The children are in either the Yellow or Green group for Phonics. Mrs Sullivan teaches the yellow group and Mrs Miskin the green group. Your child will be able to tell you which group they are in.
Yellow group-Practice writing the sound ’sh’. Think of 5 words with the ‘sh’ sound in e.g. ship, shop. Write these words using your Fred-fingers to help you sound each out-sh-i-p-ship.
Green group-Practice writing the sound ’ir’. Think of 5 words with the ‘ir’ sound in e.g. twirl. Write these words using your Fred-fingers to help you sound it out-t-w-ir-l-twirl.
The website link below provides videos to help practise Phonics at home. Yellow group should look at Set 1 Speed Sounds and Green group at Set 2 Speed Sounds.
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Username: Leighreception
Password: Book1234
Take a look at the pictures attached and write the word to match each picture. You will be able to sound out each word using your Fred-fingers. You do not need to print the pictures out, just write the words on a sheet of paper and email a picture of your work to me today please. There are a lot of pictures for you to choose from-I challenge you to write at least 10 words.
We have been working on number bonds to 5. Collect items from around your home, these could be toy cars, teddies, Lego bricks. See how many ways you can use them to make 5 e.g. 3 cars and 2 bears, 4 pasta shells and 1 spoon. Please take photos of your arrangements and email them to me today to show me how hard you have been working.
For an extra challenge, work with your grown up to complete the number bonds worksheet below. Just write your answers on paper if you cannot print 😊,
It is sad that we cannot all be together right now. Draw some pictures of your friends from your class and write their names underneath to help remember one another. Can you remember what colour eyes your friend has? What style is their hair?