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Thursday 7th January

Good Morning Year 2's


Miss Thomas’s group – Today we are comparing and ordering length.  We will be using the sign <, >, =.  We have used these before.  Remember the small, pointy end goes to the small number and the big, wide end goes to the big number.  When you see the = sign you know that both sides have answers that are the same.  Please return your completed work

Mrs Malone’s group – Naming positions in queues.  Remember the words you used yesterday to help you answer these questions.  Please return your completed work


Miss Thomas’s group

  • Open the PowerPoint called ‘Secret Story 1’.  Turn it into a presentation (look for the screen on the bottom bar on the right-hand side).  For each slide click on the ‘secret’ button and think about the story you might be going to work on.  Then press the ‘TOL’ button to give you some more ideas.
  • Now open the PowerPoint called ‘Secret Story 2’.  Work through each slide and think about the answers to the questions asked.
  • Read the ‘Secret Story’.  Have a go at reading it yourself, asking your adult to help if you get stuck.  Perhaps try reading it your brothers or sisters.
  • Once you have read the story have a go at the short activity that goes with it.  Please send this task back.

Mrs Malone’s group

  • Review –
    • Go through speed sounds (page 4)
    • Go through the green and red word (page 5)
    • Look through the vocabulary check and find out what the sounds mean
    • Read the book faster and more fluently
  • Parents – read the sentence ‘I will cast a spell on you’.  Read slowly and carefully for the children to write down.  Do not give any help.
  • Work through the sentence together looking for capital letters, full stops and spellings.


Let’s go to the Arctic again.

Yesterday we learned where the Arctic was and which countries had the Arctic Circle passing through it.

Look again at the slideshow from yesterday to remind yourself of what you learned.

Activity –

Print out the ‘Arctic Matching Activity’.  Cut out all the pieces.  There are three pieces of information for each country.  Can you match the flag and the town to the correct country?  Have a go on your own first and then check it with the information on the slideshow.

Send me a picture of you memory and matching skills


Over the next few Thursday afternoons I would like you to create an Arctic picture or scene.  You cannot complete it all today because you don’t know what kinds of things you might find in the Arctic.


Take a piece of paper, any size will do.  Some of you might like to create something quite big if you have big enough paper.  I have seen this done on the back of a piece of wall paper!

Start to think about the background that you might see in the Arctic.  Have a look at some of the pictures on the slideshow, they might give you ideas.  Use pencils, crayons, paints, any kinds of materials really to create the background.  Then put it aside and we will add some people, animals, and buildings as we get to understand the Arctic better.  If you want to send me a picture of your Arctic landscape so far, I would love to see it, but you don’t have to.

Daily Reading

Although we are not able to change your books at school every day, you do need to practice your reading skills.  Make time to do 10 minutes of reading with your adults before the end of the day.  I am sure you have plenty of books on your bookshelves.  Let me know if you read any really exciting ones that you think I might like!!
