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Week Beginning 31st October 2022

This week we have been settling back in to Nursery after our

half-term break.  We have been learning about Bonfire Night!

We’ve been getting creative this week! 

We created firework pictures using chalk on black paper.  We looked carefully at pictures of real fireworks and thought about the shapes and colours. 

We made glitter firework pictures. We created firework patterns using PVA glue then shook glitter over the top.  When we tipped our paper up our firework pictures were revealed!

We also made rockets out of cardboard tubes and tissue paper.  Mrs Elford taught us how to do it then we had a go independently.

Look at our super playdough fireworks! We particularly enjoyed making Catherine Wheels by rolling the playdough into a sausage shape then curling it round into a spiral!

We learnt a counting song called ‘5 Little Fireworks Standing in a Row’.  Each time one of the rockets ‘blasted off’ we had to work out how many were left.  We all enjoyed having a turn at being a rocket!

Click on the link to the song if you'd like to have a go at learning it too!

In this Maths activity we had to count the dots carefully then find the rocket with the matching numeral to stick on.

Miss Haslam made a maze out of masking tape that went all around the classroom!  We had to try and complete it by following it around the classroom and staying inside the lines.  We had to balance carefully and move in different ways.  Then we had lots of fun trying to remove the masking tape from the floor which was a great 'Finger Gym' activity!

A few more photos from this week...
