Leigh Church of England Academy

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Friday 15.01.21

Today we have only got two pieces of work to send in today. This afternoon will be a catch-up session.




Today's sound is ur


Here is the link for the Read Write Inc website: 


We are on now on RWI Set 3 and so you will need to follow this link every day for the daily phonics session which is available from 9.30 am. Scroll down until you find Set 3 lessons and click on play all.


MNP 15.01.21


Review Day


We are going to do the second page of our review section. You will need to think about if it is an addition or a subtraction calculation. Remember that when it is a subtraction calculation, you start with the bigger number and subtract a smaller number. When it is an addition calculation, you make a bigger number by adding the two smaller numbers together.  (send in) 





English 15.01.21


LO: To make inferences based on what is said and done.


Follow the lesson link below




In this lesson, we will be text detectives, using evidence from the text to help us unpick ideas.




Task: Write the words ending in y 


Some of the words have a double consonant before the  y. Be careful with party and greedy because they do not.



When we make inferences, we need to be text detectives.  We need to find out what is happening and how.









Draw a thought bubble (see worksheet). Write down the thoughts of people in the crowd.  (send in)






English Resouces 15.01.21
