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Please send in your English, Reading and DT today.



LO: to subtract fractions with different denominators


Today’s lesson is a continuation of yesterday’s lesson where you learnt how to subtract fractions with  different denominators.  Use the methods you learnt yesterday to support your learning today. You don’t need to complete the In Focus task but make sure that you go through the Let’s Learn so you have a solid understanding.  As usual, I’ve left the answers for you in Guided Practice.  Make sure that you are working through the questions and understanding how to work them out – don’t just look at the answers.  This won’t help you when you come to completing the two worksheets.   Don’t forget your answers need to be in the simplest form – remember that the first way to do this is look to see if they are equal (then you can half the numerator and denominator until you can’t half it anymore).  If they are a mixed of odd and even try dividing by 3, 5, 7 etc (whatever operation you do to the denominator you do to the numerator).   Don’t forget to have a go at the challenge.


LO: to develop an understanding of how to use formal conjunctions


Today’s lesson on persuasive writing is a Grammar lesson.  You have already learnt the difference between subordinating and coordinating conjunctions in our lessons in class, so this will be a re-cap.  It is still important that you watch the lesson, as you will need to understand how to use persuasive formal conjunctions to enable you to write your own independent persuasive letter on Friday.  Today, I would like you to send me a poster you have designed to explain the differences between subordinating and coordinating conjunctions.  Don’t forget to include some examples – you might like to use some of the conjunctions Mr Brown has used in his lesson.


Trouble in Withy Wood – Chapter Three


If you haven’t read the previous chapters, you will need to catch up before starting today’s lesson.

Today, I would like you to read chapter three of Trouble in Withy Wood, cast your vote as to what will happen next and complete the quiz.  Your task today is to write a paragraph, based on your vote choice, about what is going to happen in the next chapter of the story (reading domain 2e: predict what might happen from details stated and implied).  Please send in your predictions.


There is a link for the pre-printed sheet if you would like to use it.


LO: to understand how suspension bridges are able to span long distances


In today’s DT lesson I would like you to research the Humber Bridge and then draw an illustration of it.  I have included the slides to go along with this lesson, which is learning how suspension bridges are built and how they are able to span such long distances.  Firstly, read through the slides so you get an understanding of how tension and compression forces support the bridge.  Then, I would like you to research the Humber Bridge.  When it was constructed, it was the longest suspension bridge in the world.  The Humber Bridge holds a place in my heart (yes strange I know!) because as a child when I stayed with my grandparents on holiday, I would see the progression over the years of the bridge being built.  I also had a friend whose dad was involved in the building of the bridge.  I have also walked over the bridge many times, thinking of the times my granddad piloted his ship and crew along the Humber.  For a bit of comedy, I have included a photo of myself next to the bridge which was taken last year.  Please send in finished illustration.


LO: to know French animals


Today, you will be learning the names of animals in French with Emilie, when you click on the ‘Click here to start the lesson’ button.   


Remember to click on the key words section to go through the new vocabulary that you have learned also.  You may need to click on the three vertical dots next to the words and choose play from the drop down menu so that you can hear Emilie saying them. Bon chance! 
