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Day 3 Week 1

MNP Day 3


Today I have included 4 pdfs to teach this lesson with. There is a pdf with adult notes on it, a Let's Learn textbook pdf, a child's workbook pdf and an answer sheet pdf. Please send this work in.



Here is the link for the Read Write Inc website: 


We are on now on RWI Set 3 and so you will need to follow this link every day for the daily phonics session which is available from 9.30 am.  Each day the phonics session comprises of three separate videos. There is a speed sounds lesson video, a spelling lesson video and a reading longer words video. You need to complete all three sections. 




LO: To design a new bike for Mrs Armitage


Re-read the story of Mrs Armitage on Wheels and look at the different things that she puts on her bike and why she chooses them. Can you think of any improvements she could make to her bike such as a propeller so it can fly? Now think of a suitable sentence following the patterned language of the story. e.g. What this bike needs is a propeller so it can fly over the bumpy ground. Can you write your own sentence using the ideas that you have used to draw your bike?


What this bike needs is a __________ so it can ________________. 


I can't wait to see your ideas! Please send this work in.



Mrs Armitage Worksheet



Jonah and the Whale


LO: To talk about how Bible stories teach Christians about God


Read the story and orally answer the questions on the pdf with an adult.


Task: Draw a picture of your favourite part of the story and write a sentence about it.   Please send in


My favourite part of the story was when_______



Jonah and the Whale story



Have a look at the curly caterpillar letter poster. Now let's try the letter a. Start on the line, go round in a curve, up, down and hook.

Now let's try the letter c


Start on the line, go round in a curve, back down, around and hook.

Finally, we will have a look at letter d.



Start on the line, go round in a curve, back round, up to the top, back down and hook.
