Leigh Church of England Academy

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Week Beginning 10th October 2022

This week we’ve been learning all about Autumn.  We talked about what happens in Autumn and what we might see, such as leaves changing colour and falling off the trees and changes in the weather. 

We went on an Autumn walk and found leaves that were red, yellow, orange and brown.  We also found some conkers and acorns and learnt what trees these come from.  Lots of leaves have fallen off the trees and we had fun jumping and rolling in them, kicking them, crunching them under our feet and throwing them up in the air!

We are becoming fantastic independent learners and are exploring all the different activities Miss Haslam and Mrs Elford set up for us but are also thinking of our own games, activities and ideas.  Here are some of the things we’ve been up to at Busy Learning Time.

Here are some Autumn-themed activities we’ve been doing during Busy Learning time this week.

We have been learning the Leigh school rules – Be Ready, Be Responsible, Be Respectful.  We discussed what these words mean and how we should behave to show we understand and can follow the rules.  We are all learning to make the right behaviour choices and Miss Haslam is very proud of our behaviour at Nursery.

Here we are doing some singing and dancing!  We listened to a song called ‘We’re Going To Jump’.  We had to listen carefully and move in whatever way the song told us to!  We found hopping the trickiest but all tried our best.  Spinning was the most fun!  We tried hard not to bump in to each other or the furniture!

This week we read ‘The Colour Monster’. We talked about the different feelings the Colour Monster had in the story and thought about times when we have felt these emotions.  We discussed how it’s ok to feel cross or sad sometimes and talked about what we can do when we feel like this. We also talked about how we could help our friends if they are ever feeling sad or cross.   We have a Calm Corner in our classroom that we can go to if we feel we need to calm down, reflect on our emotions or have some quiet time.

We love singing Nursery rhymes, especially with Mrs Elford! She has a special bag with different objects in.  We have to pull out an object and guess the Nursery Rhyme!  We then all sing it together.
