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Today please could you email me your Maths, Spelling and P.E.


L.O: to subtract pounds and pence without renaming


For the next few lessons, we will now be looking at subtracting money. The columns are drawn out for you today so you can focus on the subtracting. Don’t forget to put your pounds and pence together at the end to find the answer.


To start with answer your ‘In Focus’ question which is on the first page. As we would normally discuss this with our partners at school, see if there is an adult or older brother or sister to talk to about it. Please use the box on this page record your answer and methods.


Next look at the ‘Guided Practice’ which shows you some of the different style questions. I have shown my working out and left the answers on the worksheet so you can see the setting out and how to go about answering these types of questions.


Now it is your turn! Have a go at the ‘Independent Practice’ which is a copy of the worksheet that you would have completed in your MNP workbooks at school.

If you feel up for it, have a go at the challenge! Good luck!


Please could you email this piece of work to me.


L.O: to answer questions on a text


Today we will be watching lesson two of ‘Into the Forest’ on the Oak National Academy with Mr Byrne-Smith.


Think back to yesterdays lesson where you began to look at the start of the story. See if you can put the pictures in the correct order.


For your main task today, the teacher will ask you some questions about the story. Please write down your answers for each question, remember to also write why you think that using evidence from the writing and picture.


L.O: to use homophones  


For spelling today we will be completing the second lesson on homophones from Mr Byrne-Smith on Oak Academy.


You will begin by looking at some key vocabulary and revising what a homophone is. You will need to write down the definitions and then practise using these in sentences.


Mr Byrne-Smith will give you a test where you will need to write down the ten homophones he says, do not panic about this just try your best and then you can mark your answers afterwards to see what you need to work on.


If you would like to do some more work on your homophones, please have a go at the worksheet below. 


Please could you email this piece of work to me.


Work set by Mrs Entwistle:


This week I want you to think of your dreams and goals for the end of this school year. I want you to think about what you would like to achieve in this year group. It must be something in school (moving up a reading level, knowing your times tables etc.)

How your going to feel when you achieve it?


Work set by Mr Ashby:



•     Run on the spot for 30 seconds

•     10 jumping jacks

•     High knees for 30 seconds, try and get knees past hip height

•     Sprint on the spot for 30 seconds

•     5 Burpees

•     Jumping side to side 10 times, try and jump with feet together. If that’s too easy, try hopping on one leg side to side

•     Run on the spot for 30 seconds

•     Slow it down now and march for 30 seconds

•     Tip toe slowly round without touching anyone for 30 seconds


KS2 Challenge – straight jump, tuck jump, jumping jack and repeat for 90 seconds


Please could you email evidence of this lesson. 
