Leigh Church of England Academy

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Friday 16.07.21

Welcome to Friday's remote learning. Please email your English work today to year1@leigh.covmat.org




I have included some websites for you to have a look at today.


Place Value Basketball helps you to understand the concept of hundreds, tens and ones. You need to recognise the Dienes base ten blocks and match to numbers up to two digits on the basketballs.

* Numbers up to 19

** Numbers up to 29

*** Numbers to 49

**** Numbers to 99


Click on the link below:








Click on the link below:






Today I have included a reading comprehension. I have posted up several, so please choose one to suit your child's ability.





Wellbeing Afternoon


I am really proud of you all. Please take some time to relax and enjoy time at home. You may want to do some colouring, complete a jigsaw, play a game, read a book or watch a film. 


I hope you have a restful weekend.
