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Monday 01.02.21

Three tasks to send in today: English, Maths and Science.  Remember to send in all parts of the task and read the tasks and questions carefully.


You Tube video sent on Marvellous Me -

Maths: (1) 'In Focus & Let's Learn' (2) Guided Practice & Independent Practice

Science:  Investigation write up: explanation. (Will be sent by 10a.m. on Monday - I need something in the classroom to be able to film it, so couldn't do it over the weekend: sorry for the delay)

Story: Orphans of the Tide, Chapter 2 (Part 2).

9:00 – 10:00 English (SEND IN)

LO: To explore using pronouns (relative and possessive pronouns)

This is lesson 2 of 8 in our final writing unit of the ‘Golden Compass’.  If you haven’t completed lesson 1, go back to last Friday’s lesson and complete it before attempting this lesson.  In this lesson, you will define key word classes, review knowledge of personal and possessive pronouns and then edit a short paragraph using pronouns to avoid repetition.


  1. Follow the lesson through, using the worksheet to complete the mini-tasks throughout.

Mrs. Holdaway’s Group

As above, but use the supported worksheet below. 

10:00 – 10:45 Arithmetic


  1. Complete Paper 5.
  2. Self-mark your work: can you find one great mistake that you made? 
  3. Choose one of the questions you made a mistake with and find a video online (Corbett Maths is great!) to help you practise the skill.

Mrs. Holdaway’s Group

As above, but using the Test 5 below.

11:00 – 12:00 Maths (SEND IN) You Tube ‘Help Video’ link sent on Marvellous Me

Maths No Problem

LO:  To generate and describe number patterns.

Today we will be starting a new chapter of in Maths No Problem: Algebra.  DON’T BE SCARED!  I think you’ll agree that the first lesson is sooo easy!  Each day for the next two weeks, you will have a You Tube video that goes over the ‘In Focus’, but also the ‘Guided Practice’ and the worksheet if needed.


  1. Go through the ‘In Focus’ task with me on the video. Look for patterns.
  2. Complete the ‘Guided Practice’ on the worksheet, with me on the video.  Remember that you can type into the text boxes that I’ve put in for you.
  3. Worksheet.  Complete all questions.

Extension: Complete the challenge question.  

Mrs. Holdaway’s Group

LO: Number sequences (Part 2)

In this lesson you will be identifying sequences which have division and multiplication rules. You will then create your own number sequences using two rules to get to the next term.


  1. Watch the video and work through the lesson.
  2. Complete the ‘moving on’ by completing the missing terms in the sequence (slide 3).  Next try and create your own two step sequences, as the teacher models, using the instructions (slide 4) and the template (slide 5).  HINT: use low digits to start, so it is easier to calculate or use a calculator to help you!
  3. Have a go at the exit quiz.

1:00 – 2:00 RE

LO:  To consider scenarios and decide how humanists might respond.

In this lesson you will be exploring the key teaching of humanism and thinking about what humanists mean by ‘a good life’.


  1. Play the ‘Blockbuster Quiz’: read the instructions carefully, so you know how to play. 
  2. Go through the PowerPoint.
  3. Read the dilemma cards and consider what a humanist would do in that situation. 

Extension:  how would this compare to what a Christian do? What are the similarities and differences?

2:00 – 3:00 SCIENCE  (SEND IN) You Tube video link sent on Marvellous Me

LO: To investigate a micro-organism.

In the last lesson, we learned about different types of micro-organisms.  In this lesson, we will be finding out a little bit more about a micro-organism - yeast! 

You will be doing an experiment to find out which food yeast likes the best, so that we can understand that fungi feed too…..


  • Watch the You Tube video that I have sent you the link to, otherwise you won't know what to do!
  • Use the worksheet below to predict and begin writing up our investigation.  