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2nd March

We're in the final week! We can do this! Have a look at the world book day activity below! Maybe you could try and tick some of them off while reading today? 

Also, our class currently has created the most 'what makes us happy' posters so far! Let's keep that lead - remember you can send in your poster via email or drop it into school!


Please send in your maths, English and RE work today. 

World Book Day

World book day is Thursday, but I thought I would introduce you to an activity you could do all of this week! Your task is to tick off all the stars. Some are for reading different things (such as a comic, or a poem) and others could be to read to different people or in different places! Maybe you read somewhere yesterday, and you can tick this off your list already!

I have also sent a link via email to Mrs Miskin reading you a story for world book day!


LO: To be able to subtract fractions from a whole number

3 more maths lessons to go! We're building on yesterdays lesson today, so if you didn't watch yesterdays video and have a go at the work, go back and have a look at it now. Ask your adult for the link to todays video - give this your best shot!


LO: To answer questions on a text

This week, we are going to be reading the book ‘The Legend of Black Shuck'. Does the name 'Black Shuck' ring a bell? It should! This is a sequel to the story Wings which we covered earlier in lockdown! 

Today, you are going to read chapter 2 and then complete the online quiz. I will be able to see if you have done this activity!


LO: To consider a character’s feelings  

All the characters are important in the playscript, but some are more powerful than others. Have a look at the document below and read through the section of the playscript.

Who do you think is the most powerful in this section? Why? There is no right or wrong answer here, it is about your opinion!

If Mr Lo were to be put on trial for his behaviour, how do you think he would feel? Imagine sitting in a court room and the judge says “Mr Lo! You are charged with lying and attempting to steal from this family.”

Your task today is to write a paragraph (at least 4 sentences, at least 4 lines) as Mr Lo, where he is trying to explain why he made the choices he did. Your task it to try and convince the judge (Me!) as to why you should be spared of paying for your actions.


LO: To write a diary entry

We have started looking at the story of Pentecost. Read through the story again – I have added it underneath!

When the day of Pentecost came, the Apostles were all together in one place. It was ten days after Jesus had gone back to heaven. Before he had left them, He had made a promise.

"The Holy Spirit will come to you. He will give you power to tell people about me."

For ten days, the Apostles and some other followers of Jesus had stayed together, praying and waiting. But now the great day had come! Suddenly, a noise like a strong wind filled the whole house and the followers saw something that looked like flames of fire, falling on each person there. They were all filled with the Holy Spirit, and they began to speak different languages.

At that time Jerusalem was full of Jewish visitors from all over the world. They were all surprised, because each one of them heard the Apostles speaking in his own language. They were completely amazed at this. They said, "Look! Aren't all these men that we hear speaking from Galilee?... But we hear these men telling in our own languages about the great things God has done!" But others made fun of the Apostles, saying, "They have drunk too much wine."

But Peter stood up with the eleven apostles. In a loud voice he spoke to the crowd: "Listen to me. Pay attention to what I have to say. These men are not drunk, as you think; it is only nine o'clock in the morning!"

Then Peter made a long speech, telling the crowds all about Jesus.

That day, about 3,000 people became followers of Jesus and were baptised. They spent the rest of their time in Jerusalem learning all about Jesus from the Apostles before returning home. And the Apostles continued to meet together to pray and to break bread.

Your task today is to imagine you are there, watching the entire thing. I would like you to write a diary entry, explaining what you saw! Remember, your entry should start with ‘dear diary’, and I’m issuing a challenge to try and write this in chronological order!


L.O: to research French traditions  

For today’s lesson, first go back through the PowerPoint below about 'mardi gras' in France to remind yourself about this event.  

For your main task, research ‘mardi gras’ and see what else you can discover. Tell me an interesting fact you have discovered about Mardi Gras!
