This afternoon, I am on a Maths course until 4.30pm so unfortunately I won't be able to comment on any work that you email to me until later in the evening or I will reply on Friday.
The work that needs to be emailed today is Maths, Reading and English.
LO: to compare and order fractions
In our Maths lesson today you will learn how to compare and order fractions pictorially. Remember when we are comparing you use the < > = symbols to state which fraction is smaller, larger or show they are the same. When you are ordering, remember that ascending order is getting larger (start with the smallest) and descending is where the numbers are getting smaller (start with the largest). Please have a go at the In Focus task. Don’t forget you can ask an adult or older sibling to help you with this. When you have done this work your way through the Let’s Learn. As usual, I’ve left the answers for you in Guided Practice. Make sure that you are working through the questions and understanding how to work them out – don’t just look at the answers. This won’t help you when you come to completing the two worksheets. Please email your Maths work to me today.
LO: to discuss the poet's choice of language and structure
In today’s English lesson (your penultimate lesson on The Listeners) you will be focusing on the poet’s choice of language. This will involve identifying rhyme, alliteration and also thinking about how Walter de la Mere’s choice of language has made you feel. As you engage with this lesson, write down your answers to your questions when she asks you to pause the video. Please email to me your responses to the questions the teacher asks you, such as “I want you to think about what this makes you picture and how it makes you feel”. This will show me your engagement with the lesson and your understanding of the poem.
LO: to compare poetry
Our reading domain today is to make comparisons within a text. You will be reading through two pieces of poetry and then answering questions about how they compare. There is a link to the poetry reading comprehension sheet. Please email your completed poetry work to me today.
LO: to explore 4 beats in a bar
Today you will be following lesson 2 in the Rhythm and Pulse unit. The lesson will build on the knowledge you learnt last week with the basic chant. Once again, these lessons expect participation so if you don’t want to be lonely why not ask someone in your family to join in with you!
LO: to explore ways in which trusses can be used to strengthen bridges
I have included a link for you to download the slides to go with this lesson. You will be learning what trusses are and how they are used to build and strengthen bridges. After you have read through the slides, I would like you to play some bridge building games to develop and deepen your understanding of strengthening bridges.