Tuesday 09.02.21
Two tasks to send in today: Maths and Reading. Remember to send in all parts of the task and read the tasks and questions carefully.
TODAY IS 'SAFER INTERNET DAY'. Instead of English, we will learn about internet safety.
You Tube video links sent by email:
Maths: (1) 'In Focus & Let's Learn' (2) Guided Practice & Independent Practice
Story: Lost: Introduction and Chapter 1
9:00 – 10:00 Maths (SEND IN) You Tube ‘Help Video’ sent by email
Maths No Problem
LO: To express missing number problems algebraically.
Make sure you have the You Tube video that goes over the ‘In Focus’, but also the ‘Guided Practice’ and the worksheet if needed. You CAN DO THIS – just keep looking for those relationships.
- Go through the ‘In Focus’ task with me on the video.
- Complete the ‘Guided Practice’ on the worksheet, with me on the video. Remember that you can type into the text boxes that I’ve put in for you.
- Worksheet. Complete Q1 and 3. If you are feeling confident do Q2 on your own.
Extension: Complete the challenge question.
Mrs. Holdaway’s Group
LO: To develop strategies to plan and solve problems (Part 5)
In this lesson you will explore a series of number sequences that increase and decrease, finding the rule and then working out missing numbers.
- Have a go at the maths riddle.
- Complete the ‘To Start’ number grid activity.
- Work through the main learning and task with the number sequences. Use the worksheet slides.
10:00 – 10:45 Reading
LO: To make inferences about characters in the book (Part 1). (Goodnight Mister Tom)
Today you will read an extract from Chapter 1 and make some comparisons between the two main characters: Tom and Willie. Use the worksheet provided to help guide you through the mini-tasks throughout the lesson.
11:00 – 12:00 Safer Internet Day
Watch the BBC Teach Live Lesson for Safer Internet Day., which will be streamed on the link below at 11 a.m.
1:00 – 2:00 PSHE
Today, you will be creating a life time-line thinking about all the things that you have achieved. Complete the timeline on the worksheet attached.
2:00 – 3:00 PE
Mr. Ashby’s lesson today is ……. Gymnastics! See the documents attached below.
- Play ‘Bop It’ to warm-up.
- Go through the ‘Key Steps’.
- Play ‘Simon Says’ to cool down.
If you’ve completed all the tasks successfully, then, if you have a printer, why not print of the certificate and display it proudly.