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Thursday 14.01.21

Welcome to Thursday's lessons.


You need to send in the Maths, English and RE today.

MNP 14.01.21


Review Day


We are going to do the first page of our review section. You will need to think about if it is an addition or a subtraction calculation. Remember that when it is a subtraction calculation, you start with the bigger number and subtract a smaller number. When it is an addition calculation, you make a bigger number by adding the two smaller numbers together. (send in) 




Maths Resources 14.01.21



Today's sound is are 


Here is the link for the Read Write Inc website: 


We are on now on RWI Set 3 and so you will need to follow this link every day for the daily phonics session which is available from 9.30 am. Scroll down until you find Set 3 lessons and click on play all.


English 14.01.21


LO: To use the past tense (ed)


In this lesson, we will learn how to write in the past tense and will begin to apply this to our story, 'The Magic Paintbrush'.


There are two smaller tasks to (send in) today.


First recap the main parts of the story.

What are verbs?


Verbs are action or doing words.



These are verbs in the past tense.



Look at the examples below:


Task: Write a list of  5 verbs in the past tense. ( send in)




Task: To write some sentences in the past tense. ( send in)


Read these sentences to your child and ask them to write them down. Don't forget capital letters, full stops and finger spaces.


  1. He wanted to help the people.
  2.  He lived a happy life.
  3. He painted the sea.








LO:  To write a sentence about The Parable of the Lost Sheep


What is a parable?

Jesus had lots of stories he used to teach the people around him. These stories are called parables. They are stories with a secret meaning.


Read the Parable of the Lost Sheep to your child.


Now read through the questions and discuss the story with your child.


Task: Draw a picture from the story. Write a sentence to say why you think Christian's believe that Jesus chose to tell this story to his friends. (send in)


For example, Jesus chose to tell this story to his friends to show them that everyone is important and loved.






Please spend some time to read at a book online.


We have subscribed to Oxford Owl so you can access many of the reading books that we use in school. The link is https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/ 

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