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8th February

Please send in your maths, English and History work today. We can do this! 

Please be aware I am in the classroom this week and therefore replies will not be immediate. 


LO: To be able to count in hundredths

Today we have moved onto our next chapter: fractions!

I know this is a topic that got interrupted last year due to the first lockdown. Due to this I have created videos to support you for this week. Ask your adult for a link to the video. After watching it, have a go at the problems on the worksheet. I hope the videos help you understand the work further!


LO: To answer questions

This week, we are going to be reading the book ‘The warrior princess.’

Today, you are going to read chapter 1 and then complete the online quiz. I will be able to see if you have done this activity!

You each have your own log in which I will be sending to your adults to give to you. I will send it via marvellous me – if it doesn’t come through please email me at year4@leigh.covmat.org and I will send it to you there!


LO: To write a letter

On Wednesday last week, you wrote a letter to the stage school trying to convince them that you deserved a place. As you had planned for this, this is a ‘big write’. Today you are going to do an ‘independent write’. You can use all the things you have learnt to help you write your letter, but we are not going to do any planning towards it.

Today, your task is to write a letter to Mrs Lee, about something you would like to change in school. This could be longer play times, getting rid of maths lessons, teaching PE all afternoon, flat out getting rid of all the teachers or anything else you’d like. Use our past lessons on letter writing to write this letter. Convince us with your letter! Good luck!


LO: To understand how Britain has been influenced by other commonwealth countries

Today we are looking at the end of Britain’s first Empire, and the lasting influence other countries have had on the Britain we know today. Have a look through the attached slides.

Today we are going to explore the countries that are part of the commonwealth. Follow the link below. If you go to the bottom of the page, you can see a map. Every blue country is a part of the commonwealth. Your task today is to create a poster, telling me facts about one of these commonwealth countries! I wonder which one you will pick?


Today we are moving on from body percussion to have a go at some beat boxing – this is one of my favourite things to teach, and I’m sad to not teach it to you, however, I think we all know that Mr Palekar will do an even better job!
