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Thursday 21.01.21

Welcome to Thursday's remote learning


Please send in Maths and English work.


Maths 21.01.21


LO: To double a number


Today we will be doubling a number.


To get a double of a number, we add the same number to itself. For example, double of 2 is 2 + 2 = 4.


Task:  Read the doubling PowerPoint and complete the worksheet (send in).


For further practice, play Hit the Button









Phonics 21.01.21


Today's sound is oa


Here is the link for the Read Write Inc website: 



We are on now on RWI Set 3 and so you will need to follow this link every day for the daily phonics session which is available from 9.30 am.  Each day the phonics session comprises of two separate videos. There is a speed sounds lesson video and a spelling lesson video. You need to complete both sections.  I  have used a screenshot to clarify this.



English 21.01.21


LO: To retell a story


We are going to continue writing the middle section of our story of The Magic Paintbrush.


Look at the parts I have marked on the story map with a  blue tick to help you to write your next section. I have included an example with sentence starters to help you. As always, don't forget your capital letters, full stops and finger spaces. (send in)








RE  21.01.21


LO: To respond to stories told by Jesus.


Jesus the storyteller


Jesus told lots of stories and he used them to teach the people around him. These stories are called parables.


Today’s parable is called the Parable of the Good Samaritan. A Samaritan is someone who gives help to people who need it.


Read the story, or follow the video link





Jesus was asked a question: Who is my neighbour? If you were asked that question, what would your answer be?  Do you see your neighbours, have you ever done anything with them?


Think about the characteristics that the Samaritan showed such as being generous and brave.

Jesus taught people to Love your neighbour as yourself which means be kind to other people, as you would be kind to yourself.



Task:  Think of something that you have done that has been kind and thoughtful to other people. Now draw a picture and write a sentence about it. (send in)



A good neighbour is





Although we are not able to change your books at school every day, you do need to practice your reading skills.  Make time to do 10 minutes of reading with your adults before the end of the day.  If you haven't got any books at home, make use of our Oxford Owl books online. If you are unsure of your book band, please email me.
