Leigh Church of England Academy

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Yellow group-Practise writing the sound ’r’, check you have written it the right way round.  Think of 3 words with the ‘r’ sound in e.g. rat, rack. Write these words using your Fred-fingers to help you sound each out- r-a-t - rat. Read the words below-look out for any alien words! Use the link below to practise saying all set 1 sounds.







Green group- practise writing the sound ’c’.  Think of a word with the v sound in e.g. an, cat. Write a sentence using your word e.g. ‘the red car went fast’.  Use your Fred-fingers to help you sound out your words and make sure you have a finger space between each word. Read the words below-look out for any alien words! Use the link below to practise saying all set 1 & 2 sounds.









Number bonds to 10. You will need 10 counters-these could be coins, pasta shells, buttons etc. Open the PDF below and go through each slide working out which piece of the jigsaw is needed to make 10. You can use your counters to help work out the answers.

As an additional activity, you can print or copy the rainbow picture below and colour in. You could stick this on your wall to remind you of the number bonds to 10. SEND IN

Friday catch-up and well-being time VIDEO

You have worked incredibly hard again this week, well done! You can go back to any tasks you did not complete if you wish to. I have sent a link via Marvellous Me for you to listen to me reading the story of 'Spinderella'. Try some of these links below to help you unwind, relax and have fun:

Listen to the beautiful, calm music by following the link below. Try closing you eyes and sitting very still as you listen.

We hope you have a lovely weekend. Keep safe and get some rest.

Take care,

Mrs Miskin & Mrs Sullivan 😊
