19th and 20th July
Well done for all of your hard work last week, I have been sent lots of amazing work. We have two more days of remote learning before coming back together for the last day of school on Wednesday. I am really looking forward to seeing you and celebrating the end of your time in year 3 with you.
Miss Hinton would like to say thank you for the letters she has received and she looks forward to next year.
Maths and English:
For your Maths and English work over today and tomorrow I would like you to choose a few pages out of the activity booklets below to complete. It is completely up to you what you choose and how you would like to present it. I look forward to receiving your work.
Please continue to keep reading at home. This can be any books that you already have or any of the books available online on Oxford Owl.
Username: Leighclass3
Password: Book1234
In the afternoon for today and tomorrow you can choose between the activities listen below.
Using your knowledge of Seurat and Pointillism, I would like you to draw an Egyptian picture in this style. Some ideas for your picture could be a desert scene, Tutankhamun’s death mask or the river Nile.
Research some of the Gods and Goddesses that the Ancient Egyptians believed in. You can present this how you would like (e.g. PowerPoint, fact file, video, poster)
Ancient Egyptians liked gold jewelry, can you design and make your own gold bands and collars? Old plastic water bottles are good for cuffs, cut a ring, cover in foil or paint then add details with beads for jewels or felt tip for patterns. Use card for a collar.
Read the sentences on the worksheet which give instructions on how to build a sandcastle. However, these are in the wrong order! Correct the order and write them out neatly in your best handwriting.
Create a poster showcasing all the different French words that you have learnt over the year. Remember to add pictures and colours. Whilst you work you could listen to and practise some of the different French songs we have learnt.