Leigh Church of England Academy

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Yellow group-Practice writing the sound ’b’, check you have written it the right way round.  Think of 3 words with the ‘b’ sound in e.g. big, bug. Write these words using your Fred-fingers to help you sound each out- b-i-g - big. Read the words below-look out for any alien words! Use the link below to practise saying all set 1 sounds.







Green group-Now we have learnt all the set 2 sounds, we will be revisiting some of our previous sounds to ensure you know them well. Practice writing the sound ’sh’.  Think of 3 words with the sh sound in e.g. ship, shell. Write these words using your Fred-fingers to help you sound each out, sh-i-p- ship. Read the words below-look out for any alien words! Use the link below to practise saying all set 1 & 2 sounds.








Counting accurately-fill a box with items from around your home, you will need 20 items. Make sure your grown up is happy with the items you are using. Using your number cards to 20 from previous tasks, have them in a pile facedown. Take a card, say the number, and then count that many items out of the box. This task is helping you to recognise your numbers as well as count accurately. Repeat for different numbers. Please send a picture of you busy counting.

Friday catch-up and well-being time

Well done, you have reached the end of another week ๐Ÿ˜Š You can choose to go back and finish any tasks if you would like to. Below are some activities you can try. You do not need to write or send anything to me; these are for fun and to help you relax after your busy week.

  • Teach the story of Mr Zigger and Mr Zagger to your family. I have sent a YouTube link on Marvellous Me so that you can see me telling the story. Think about an adventure Mr Zigger & Mr Zagger might go on.
  • Sing a selection of number songs, using your toys to help-3 Little Men in Flying Saucer, 3 Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed, 5 Currant Buns, 10 Green Bottles, 10 in the Bed, 5 Little Speckled Frogs, 5 Little Ducks, 12345 Once I Caught, 2 Little Dickie Birds.
  • Be a scientist and carry out some experiments just like the smartie experiment we carried out in class. Here are some to try with adult help-

Have a lovely, restful weekend. You are doing really well, and we are very proud of you ๐Ÿ˜Š.

Mrs Miskin & Mrs Sullivan
