Yellow group-Practise writing the sound ’n’, check you have written it the right way round. Think of 3 words with the ‘n’ sound in e.g. nod, nat. Write these words using your Fred-fingers to help you sound each out- n-o-d - nod. Read the words below-look out for any alien words! Use the link below to practise saying all set 1 sounds.
nod |
nup |
nit |
net |
nag |
nof |
Green group- practise writing the sound ’j’. Think of a word with the ‘j’ sound in e.g. jump, jest. Write a sentence using your word e.g. ‘I can jump so high’. Use your Fred-fingers to help you sound out your words and make sure you have a finger space between each word. Read the words below-look out for any alien words! Use the link below to practise saying all set 1 & 2 sounds.
jump |
junk |
jog |
jamp |
jest |
jig |
Use the PDF below to see some number bond problems. Your grown up will read the question, use your counters to help your solve each problem You will need 10 counters and we are still working on number bonds to 10. If you complete the first sheet easily, try the second one as an extra challenge. SEND IN
Today you are going to spot vehicles, either through your window or by watching the YouTube video below. Using the worksheets as a guide, you can choose to spot a variety of vehicles or just concentrate on the colour of the cars. SEND IN
Below you will see an ‘I Spy and Read’ activity. Read the word and point to the correct picture. This activity is again helping you to read CCVC and CVCC words. Not all the words have a picture, so you are challenged to write these word. Use Fred-fingers to sound out e.g. pink- p-i-nk-there are three sounds to write.