4th March
Happy World Book Day everyone! Below I have listed some activities I would like you to do today! You also have PE and PSHE to do this afternoon. I hope you enjoy! Any pictures you would like to send me of you doing activities today I would love to receive!
Make a character challenge
Decorate an item at home as a book character. Choose any item you like: paper plate, potato, pebble, wooden spoon, shoe box, lolly stick. Here are a couple of ideas as inspiration
There will be a prize of a book/amazon voucher for the best ‘Character!
Author/illustrator academy
Watch the video and then read the extract of the book!
Alex T. Smith’s stories are full of intrigue and excitement. In his video, he explains that something exciting always needs to happen in a story – like solving a mystery!
- Re-read the extract from Claude: Lights! Camera! Action! – this time focusing only on how Alex creates a sense of mystery, and how this might contrast with the humour in the story.
- As you read, create a mystery graph on which you plot the moments of mystery in the extract. For example, the beginning of the extract, when Claude discovers the gorilla, is a high point of mystery.
- Alex T Smith has issued you a challenge – he wants you to write a short story, full of intrigue and mystery. I’m setting you a MAXIMUM of 50 words for your story! Send it to me once you’ve finished it, and when we’re back in school, we’ll read them and try work out who wrote which one!
Fiction express
Please read chapter 3 and 4 of 'The Legend of Black Shuck'. You don't need to do the quizzes, I would like to just read the chapters and enjoy the story today :)
For PE today, I would like you to watch the Joe Wicks workout and join in! It appears he has dressed up as a famous story character. I wonder if you were able to identify who it is before he says! He also does a little quiz about famous books! Try and see how many you can get right!
This week, Mrs Entwistle would like to have a look at your friendship circles. Have a look at the sheet attached below and the explanation. In the very centre, you need to write those who you are the closest too. Although it says initials on the sheet I'm happy with first names! In the next circle, close friends and family, then in the next people you know less well, and in the final circle people you know but wouldn't say you are friends with. Write a quick sentence underneath to explain why you've put one person in whichever circle you decide.