1st February
LO: To draw a bar chart
Today we are going to be continuing on with bar charts. A few of you didn't use a ruler when creating your bar charts last week - please ensure a ruler is being used. If you don't have a ruler, remember that a piece of paper can be used instead!
Have a look through the guided practice and try and think how those answers were achieved. Use this knowledge to help you create your own bar chart based on the tabled provided, and then answer the questions!
LO: To design a webpage
I would like you to consider this question: can you learn to be talented or do you have to be born with talent? Discuss it with someone around you.
What does it mean to be talented?
Some people are naturally talented at things, however with enough enthusiasm, training, and practice, you can become talented at something too!
Have a think, if you wanted to be a singer, how could you improve your voice?
One way to do this is to go to stage school, which specialised in children singing, dancing, and acting. Imagine Douggie decided to apply to stage school. Think of 5 questions Douggie would ask if he was thinking of applying? For example, how old do I have to be to attend? How do I apply?
Have a look underneath at a homepage of a stage school.
Think of things you like about this website.
Today’s work is to design your own front cover of this website by making a poster – remember, you need to have important information people would like to know, make it bright and colourful, and give the school a good name!
LO: To answer questions on the text
This week, we are going to be reading the book ‘My Gran is a werewolf.’
Today, you are going to read chapter 1 and then complete the online quiz. I will be able to see if you have done this activity!
You each have your own log in which I will be sending to your adults to give to you. I will send it via marvellous me – if it doesn’t come through please email me at year4@leigh.covmat.org and I will send it to you there!
Today you will be joining Mr Palekar to do some more body percussion! You worked hard on this last week, I hope you enjoy it this week too!
LO: To understand how the British Raj in India was established
Today we are looking at the next stage in Britain’s first Empire – did you know that Britain once ruled over India? Read through the slides to find out why!
Oh dear – certainly sounds like some people weren’t happy with how things are going? However, does that mean everything that was done was bad?
Your work today is to sort out the statements attached below into a ‘good’ and a ‘bad’ pile, depending on if you think they were good or bad for India. You can present this by cutting them out, or simply putting ‘good’ or ‘bad’ next to the statements!