Tuesday 26.01.21
Two tasks to send in today: English and Maths. Remember to send in all parts of the task and read the tasks and questions carefully.
Keep watching the reading videos that I am uploading as there will be a task base upon these stories next week. All of the links to the You Tube videos have been sent through Marvellous Me, so if you haven't seen them yet, ask your parent/carer for the link.
9:00 – 10:00 English (SEND IN)
LO: To plan a diary.
In this lesson you will practise writing fronted adverbials, review the features of a diary and then begin to plan a diary entry in the first person as Lyra, the main character in the story.
- Follow the lesson through.
- Use the attached worksheet to help you complete the tasks throughout the lesson.
Mrs. Holdaway’s Group
As above, but use the worksheet below, which has some ideas already in.
10:00 – 10:45 Reading
LO: To analyse a setting and consider its impact on the reader.
Today you will read part of the climax of our Anthony Horowitz story and consider how the scene and atmosphere changes as the story progresses. You will reflect upon your previous predictions and the genre of this text.
- Follow the lesson through. Write down answers to questions she asks you to.
11:00 – 12:00 Maths (SEND IN)
LO: To use fractions to express relationships.
In this lesson you will be using ratio to express relationships.
- Follow the main teaching in the video. Make sure you pause the video when prompted to complete the questions throughout. See the worksheet attached where I have copied each task into a Word document that you can type straight onto, under the heading ‘guided practice’.
- Complete the independent task on the worksheet, then mark your own work after you have completed the task: the teacher goes through the answers with you in the video. I’ve helped you out by structuring your answers for you to help you ’see’ what to do.
- Finally, complete the exit quiz.
Mrs. Holdaway’s Group
LO: Recognising Decimal Hundredths (Part 2)
- Have a go at the intro quiz.
- Watch the video and work through the lesson, where you will represent hundredths using the visual representation of a bead string.
- Complete the ‘independent practise’ by looking at the cards on ‘Slide 2’ in the worksheet section. Answer the questions and then check your answers as the teacher goes through them.
- Have a go at the exit quiz.
1:00 – 2:00 PSHE
Question: Can you encourage/ help others to reach their goal?
In this lesson you will be creating a poster to show encouragement using positive words. You may also want to put phrases, as well as just words in also. How about finding some encouraging quotes from famous people?
2:00 – 3:00 PE
Mr. Ashby’s PE lesson this week is cardio! Let’s go ……
- Run on the spot for 30 seconds.
- 10 jumping jacks.
- High knees for 30 seconds, try and get knees past hip height.
- Sprint on the spot for 30 seconds.
- 5 Burpees.
- Jumping side to side 10 times, try and jump with feet together. If that’s too easy, try hopping on one leg side to side.
- Run on the spot for 30 seconds.
- Slow it down now and march for 30 seconds.
- Tip toe slowly round without touching anyone for 30 seconds.
KS2 Challenge – straight jump, tuck jump, jumping jack and repeat for 90 seconds.