Leigh Church of England Academy

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Day 3


Today, we will be looking at the key word 'commutativity' and what this means. Please watch the attatched video and complete the independent work.

Please also complete the attatched sheet on multiplying and dividing by 1 and 0. Remember, when we divide or multiply by 1 it stays the same, when we divide or multiply by 0 it becomes a 0, no matter how big the number is!

Remember that you can always access your TTRocks account which is focusing on your 3 times tables this week - you should be absolute rock stars by the time you come back to school!

English - SPAG

In our SPAG lessons this week we were going to be taking a close look at apostrophes and exactly what they do. Please watch the video and have a go at the work.

Please can the children send me their completed sentences from the writing warm up, one sentence including a possessive apostrophe, and a sentence including an apostrophe for contraction (all is explained in the video!).


Please read for 10 minutes one of your reading books you have at home with you. If you have already read your reading books, I have created an account on oxford owl (link below) for you to have access to free ebooks. Just follow the link, click 'my class login' and enter the following details.


Username: misshinton

Passwork: Book1234

Once logged in, you can search for books based on their reading levels by searching 'levels' and then 'book bands'. If you can't remember your reading level, please drop me an email.


Please make an INFERENCE - Why has one of the characters chosen to do something? Remember - these types of questions are about what you THINK. This is to be discussed with your adult of choice.


In French, we have been practicing our autumn colours.

Please click the link to listen to the different colours. Try and say them back as best as you can.

We have also worked hard on practicing names and how to say 'my name is' in French. Please try and learn the 'my name' song.


In music we have been doing some games to find the pulse and rhythm within songs. Please watch this video where you practice following the rhythm and pulse of a few songs. Ideally, headphones or a quiet place are needed for this lesson!
