Leigh Church of England Academy

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22nd January

Please send in your maths, reading and science work today. 


LO: To divide 3-digit numbers with remainders

In math today, we are going to be dividing 3-digit numbers with remainders! Try and remember what dividing means - it means putting a big number into groups or sharing. For example, for 88 ÷ 8, you would put 88 into 8 groups, and count how many were in each group, receiving the answer of 11. 

Have a look at the in-focus question. How do you think you could work it out? As you would usually do this in your pairs, see if you can talk to an adult or an older sibling about your thoughts. Use the empty box to explain your thoughts.

Next, have a look at the guided practice. Can you work out how those answers were gained? Have a go at working them out yourselves to see if your method is correct.

Finally, have a go at the worksheet provided - it is 2 sheets, the minimum expectation is one sheet, but just like in class, try and have a go at the second one too!


We've been working up to this point all week - you can do this!!


LO: To write a book review

This week, we are going to be reading the book ‘The curse of castle Drago.’

Today, you are going to read chapter 5 and then write a book review. If you have read all 5 chapters, this becomes an option to do online and therefore you would not have to send me a picture of it. If it is easier for you, you can instead write one out and send me a picture of it too. 

You each have your own log in which I will be sending to your adults to give to you. I will send it via marvellous me – if it doesn’t come through please email me at year4@leigh.covmat.org and I will send it to you there!

Remember to place close attention, so you can answer the questions at the end. Please remember I can see if you have read the chapter - some of you are answering the questions without reading!


LO: What is sound?

As our science lessons were largely based on experiments, we are going to be moving over to oak academy for future lessons!

Please follow the link to the oak academy lesson with Miss Roberts and complete the following quiz!

Wellbeing Afternoon:

At school, we have decided to have Friday afternoon as a relax time. Before you do this, have a look at the past week - are there any lessons you've missed that you could finish off today.


Take some time to relax and enjoy time at home. You may want to do some colouring, jigsaws, play a game, read a book or watch a movie.


You can also watch the video that has just been put onto Youtube of the second chapter of 'the outlaw Varjak Paw'. See if your adults have the link to the video!
