Leigh Church of England Academy

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10th February

Please send in your maths, English and RE work today. We're in the final week of this half term - let's push through! 3 days to go!

Please be aware I am in the classroom this week and therefore replies will not be immediate. 


LO: To show mixed numbers on a number line

I know this is a topic that got interrupted last year due to the first lockdown. Due to this I have created videos to support you for this week. Ask your adult for a link to the video. After watching it, have a go at the problems on the worksheet. I hope the videos help you understand the work further! Just one worksheet today - give it your best shot!


LO: To answer questions

This week, we are going to be reading the book ‘The warrior princess.’

Today, you are going to read chapter 3 and then complete the online quiz. I will be able to see if you have done this activity!

You each have your own log in which I will be sending to your adults to give to you. I will send it via marvellous me – if it doesn’t come through please email me at year4@leigh.covmat.org and I will send it to you there!


LO: To evaluate

On Monday you wrote a letter to Mrs Lee trying to convince her of a change you would like to make at school. Today we are going to evaluate our writing. Can you beat the score you got on your last piece of writing?


To write about a dilemma I have faced

This half term, we have discussed how different religions and beliefs choose what actions are right and wrong. When we have to make a decision about what choice we need to make, this is often called a dilemma. For example: I am hungry. Do I want until dinner as I have been told, or sneak a snack?

Your task today is to write about a dilemma you have faced. You need to write what your dilemma is, your choices, what choice you made and what happened because you made that choice.

Multiplication practice

This week we are going to be focusing on our 12 times tables! First, try and write out your elevens. If you struggle with this, just remember, add 10, and add 2! Then have a go at doing the sheet!
