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Please send in your Maths and English today



LO: to subtract fractions with different denominators


In today’s lesson you will subtracting fractions with  different denominators.  Use the methods you learnt last week for finding common denominators before you attempt to subtract the fraction.  When you have made the denominators the same, remember that when you subtract (just like you did with addition) the denominator will always stay the same.  Please do the In Focus task and then, as previous lessons, take your time in going through the Let’s Learn so you have a solid understanding.  Remember, when you are finding equivalent fractions you need to find a common multiple to make both denominators the same.  As usual, I’ve left the answers for you in Guided Practice.  Make sure that you are working through the questions and understanding how to work them out – don’t just look at the answers.  This won’t help you when you come to completing the two worksheets.   Don’t forget your answers need to be in the simplest form – remember that the first way to do this is look to see if they are equal (then you can half the numerator and denominator until you can’t half it anymore).  If they are a mixed of odd and even try dividing by 3, 5, 7 etc (whatever operation you do to the denominator you do to the numerator).   Don’t forget to have a go at the challenge.  Please email your Maths work to me today.




LO: to practise and apply knowledge suffixes -ant and -ent


Today’s lesson builds of last week’s lesson where you learnt how adding the suffixes ‘ant’ and ‘ent’ to root words, makes new words and changes their word class. As with all our English lessons you will need to participate and make notes where the teacher asks you to.  You can make notes of your own too.  These will then build throughout the two weeks to enable you to complete your final independent piece of writing.  Make sure you complete the spelling test as some of these words that you are learning to spell will have a real impact in your final independent write on Friday.


Trouble in Withy Wood – Chapter Two


If you haven’t read chapter one, you will need to catch up before starting chapter two.

Today, I would like you to read chapter two of Trouble in Withy Wood, cast your vote as to what will happen next, complete the quiz and then answer the following questions (reading domain 2b: retrieve and record information / identify key details from fiction and non-fiction)


  1. Why aren’t the sprites able to tie up Fatima?
  2. What do the sprites use ‘sprite dust’ for?
  3. What happens that makes Fatima realize they are shrinking?


There is a link for the pre-printed sheet if you would like to use it.



Mr Ashby’s PE lesson this week is cardio! Let’s go ……




  • Run on the spot for 30 seconds.
  • 10 jumping jacks.
  • High knees for 30 seconds, try and get knees past hip height.
  • Sprint on the spot for 30 seconds.
  • 5 Burpees.
  • Jumping side to side 10 times, try and jump with feet together. If that’s too easy, try hopping on one leg side to side.
  • Run on the spot for 30 seconds.
  • Slow it down now and march for 30 seconds.
  • Tip toe slowly round without touching anyone for 30 seconds.


KS2 Challenge – straight jump, tuck jump, jumping jack and repeat for 90 seconds.


Question: Can you encourage/ help others to reach their goal?


In this lesson you will be creating a poster to show encouragement using positive words. You may also want to put phrases, as well as just words in also. How about finding some encouraging quotes from famous people?
