Wednesday 10.02.21
Three tasks to send in today: English, Maths and Geography. Remember to send in all parts of the task and read the tasks and questions carefully.
You Tube video links sent by email:
Maths: (1) 'In Focus & Let's Learn' (2) Guided Practice & Independent Practice
Geography: Task guidance.
Story: Lost Chapter 2 & 3
9:00 – 10:00 English (SEND IN)
LO: To write a narrative scene: final part of final scene.
This is lesson 8 of 8 in our final writing unit of the ‘Golden Compass’. If you haven’t completed the other lessons, go back to Friday’s lesson in Week 4 and complete the sequence of lessons from that point before attempting this lesson. In this lesson, you will learn about ‘the power of three’ – three short sentences. You will then analyse model writing for this final scene before writing your own narrative for the final part of the final scene.
- Follow the lesson through, using the worksheet below to help you structure your writing.
Mrs. Holdaway’s Group
As above, but use the worksheet below.
10:00 – 10:45 Reading
LO: To make inferences about characters in the book (Part 2). (Goodnight Mister Tom)
Today you will read an extract from Chapter 8 and answer some questions. Use the worksheet provided to help guide you through the mini-tasks throughout the lesson.
11:00 – 12:00 Maths (SEND IN) You Tube video sent by email
Maths No Problem
LO: To use simple formulae.
Make sure you have the You Tube video that goes over the ‘In Focus’, but also the ‘Guided Practice’ and the worksheet if needed. You CAN DO THIS!
- Go through the ‘In Focus’ task with me on the video.
- Complete the ‘Guided Practice’ on the worksheet, with me on the video. Remember that you can type into the text boxes that I’ve put in for you.
- Worksheet. Complete question 1 and 2 a) – c) (do d) if your feeling confident).
Extension: Complete the challenge question.
Mrs. Holdaway’s Group
LO: Multiplication patterns.
In this lesson you will be explore the patterns which different multiplication tables create on a 10 X 10 square.
- Work through the tasks and main learning. Use the worksheet slides- there are quite a few of these to print out. If you haven’t got a printer, then you could draw them or just look at the answers with the teacher.
1:00 – 2:00 GEOGRAPHY
LO: To identify and explore the major rivers of the UK. You Tube Video sent by email.
In this lesson you will explore what a river is, name some of its key features and identify the major rivers within the UK.
- Read the information in the slideshow.
- Complete the task on the worksheet to identify key facts about some of the longest rivers in the UK.
2:00 – 3:00 MUSIC
LO: Recognising time signatures.
In this lesson, you will recognise how many beats are in a bar. You won’t need any equipment for this lesson – have fun!