Week Beginning 14th November 2022
This week has been ‘Anti-Bullying Week’. In Nursery we have been thinking about kindness and talking about why it’s important to be kind and how we can show kindness to others.
Friday was Children In Need Day and we learnt about how it’s a special day to raise money for children that aren’t as lucky as us.
It’s also been ‘World Nursery Rhyme Week’ and we’ve been singing and acting out lots of nursery rhymes!
One of the rhymes we’ve been singing this week is ‘5 Little Speckled Frogs’. We all made a frog mask or a frog puppet then took turns to be the frogs on the log while we sang the rhyme.
Children In Need day…
Look at our super ‘Celebrations’ display in the classroom! We’re all becoming very creative and are learning lots of different techniques to create pictures.
We helped Miss Haslam make some playdough this week. We learnt how to ‘knead’ dough.
‘Busy Learning’…