15th January
Maths (send in)
LO: To multiply 3-digit numbers with renaming
In math today, we are going to be multiply 3-digit numbers with renaming again! This is building on past lessons, so please have a look at those beforehand if you didn't do them!
Have a look at the in-focus question. How do you think you could work it out? As you would usually do this in your pairs, see if you can talk to an adult or an older sibling about your thoughts. Use the empty box to explain your thoughts.
Next, have a look at the guided practice. Can you work out how those answers were gained? Have a go at working them out yourselves to see if your method is correct.
Finally, have a go at the worksheet provided - it is 2 sheets, the minimum expectation is one sheet, but just like in class, try and have a go at the second one too!
WARNING - this does look the same as yesterdays sheet but it does contain different problems!
LO: To write a book review
This week, we are going to be reading the book ‘The curious case of Dr Salamander’.
Today, you are going to read chapter 5 and then complete the online quiz. I will be able to see if you have done this activity!
I would then like you to write a book review! This becomes possible on the website after you have read all 5 chapters - if you haven't, go back and read them!
Below I have included some top tips for a book review.
Note: I can also see how much time the children spend on each chapter reading. There have been some cases of children spending less than a minute on a chapter. Please ensure this is not happening
LO: To investigate whether sound can travel through different materials
Today we are going to continue exploring sound by seeing what materials sound can travel through. Go through the attached slides and then go for a walk, either outside or around your house. What sounds can you hear? What materials are those sounds travelling through?
This afternoon
As a school, we have decided to have Friday afternoon as a relax time. Before you do this, have a look at the past week - are there any lessons you've missed that you could finish off today?
You may have an idea of how you relax yourself, I know I always relax best with a good book, but you may enjoy puzzles, or colouring, or a game. The afternoon is yours and you may use it as you may. I am so proud of you for all your hard work this week. It makes me proud to be your teacher. Have a wonderful weekend, and get ready for another brilliant week starting Monday!